General Information:

This sofware is intended to provide the user with measures and indices of temporal and geo-spatial association among members of herds (and other groups). The user is asked to supply temporal and spatial thresholds and an input file containing location data for the herd.

The Association Software then calculates an association frequency matrix (Assoc.csv), converts it to percentage (Percent.csv), creates a boolean association matrix (Similar.csv), and then compares assocation pattern similarity to assign individuals into herds (Herds.csv). Each matrix is saved as an output file and the user is given the opportunity to rename these files so they are not overwritten during the next iteration. In addition, a log file is written to review the performance of each session.

To learn more about Association matrices and indices, read A Method of Assessing Independence of Animal Locations with Association Matrices, detailing this procedure and why it is important in landscape analysis and management.