Research using LISA data
Zajanc, K. and K. T. Weber
White Paper: Assessing the relationship between GDD, Precip. and cNDVI
Reports and Presentations
Weber, K. T.
White paper no. 2: Setup and Use tutorial
Weber, K. T.
White paper no. 1: Processing and Evaluation
Weber, K. T.
LISA project presentation (PPTshow)
Weber, K. T.
LISA database video
Weber, K. T.
Enable time in fGDB
Weber, K. T.
Creating and populating a master mosaic dataset
Weber, K. T.
file-based Geodatabase (fGDB) and raster mosaic datasets
Weber, K. T.
Creating a composite NDVI
Weber, K. T.
Creating float files for use in Idrisi
Weber, K. T.
Creating NDVI layers with ArcGIS raster calculator
Weber, K. T.
Co-register and test co-registration among NDVI layers
Weber, K. T.
Atmospherically correct satellite imagery
Spatial data and maps
Weber, K.
LISA web service layer files
Serr, K.
GIS TReC spatial library Landsat 5 TM data richness map