Raster Stacker v. 0.5. Allows the user to add or subtract bands from a selected raster layer to a target raster layer.
- From a pulldown menu, select the name of the polygon
- Before running the program, a target raster layer should have been selected.
- Click the “Select Input Raster” button and select an input raster file
- From the bands comprising the selected input raster file, select a band
- Click on “Add ->” to add that band to the target raster
- Selected bands on the target raster list can be deleted using the “Delete” button
- “Raster Extent” determines whether the target raster will, when saved, be the union of the comprising bands or the intersection area of those bands
- After a file name has been entered, click the “Save the Target Raster” to save the new target raster to the target raster directory.
Download this DLL (rasterstacker.zip 18 KB).