With the completion of Idaho's business and strategic planning process in March of 2009 a sound and practical basis for improved Spatial Data Infrastructure was developed. Part of these plans includes the development of Regional Resource Center's (RRCs).

This project will transform the conceptual RRC proposals into business implementation plans. It is anticipated that the completed business plan guidelines, and the research, discoveries, and conclusions gained from the planning process will simplify the efforts of other RRCs as they develop their own business plans. These business implementation plans will:

  1. partners
  2. resources
  1. a balance of services and capabilities
  2. an entity type, organizational structure, and governance type.
  3. a physical location and/or virtual operations strategies
  4. a communications and coordination approach with IGC, ISDI activities and other RRCs
  5. staffing strategies and technical architecture, as appropriate
  1. a budget plan, identifying appropriate funding sources
  2. a detailed implementation plan and timeline with milestones